
마란츠 2330B vs 마란츠 2325 (해외 포럼평)

AdultKid(오디오/스피커) 2014. 2. 10.

해외 포럼에서도 마란츠 최고의 리시버는? 

2330B vs 2325 , 2265B가 2285B 보다 더 좋던대?

등의 주제로 토론이 많이 이루어지는 듯 하다.

2015/01/08 - [빈티지-마란츠] - 마란츠 리시버 스펙 비교. 최고의 마란츠 리시버는?

2014/03/20 - [빈티지-마란츠] - 마란츠 2285B VS 2265B ( 해외포럼 및 황준님의 마란츠 2285B 까기!! )

2013/03/19 - [빈티지-마란츠] - 마란츠 2325 리시버 정보 모으기.

2013/02/27 - [빈티지-마란츠] - 빈티지 마란츠 인티 앰프 ~1980년대.(1180DC / 1250 / 1300DC / PM-5, PM-8 mk2 )

2013/01/21 - [빈티지-산수이/파이오니아/켄우드] - 켄우드 7600 VS 마란츠 2265B 두둥~~~~JBL L112 외나무다리 진검 승부

2012/03/06 - [빈티지-마란츠] - 마란츠 리시버 정보 모으기(2275/2325,2285B/2330B 등

2012/03/13 - [오디오 입문 관련글] - 7-80년대 빈티지 앰프 메이커별 특징 및 성향. 모음

하나 우리 나라 실용오디오 사이트 같은 경우 2330B 는 경질의 소리, 강성이고 별로다라는 글들이 많고(약간 보다는 악평 수준이 많음), 2325 가 가장 좋다는 얘기가 거의 절대적인데, 사용자 층도 비교도 안되고 많은 해외 포럼에서는 비슷하거나, 2325 vs 2330B 의 근소하게 2325에 점수를 주는 것 같다.  물론, 국내에서도 황준님이나 많은 분들이 2330B를 좋게 평하기도 한다. 녹턴형 리시버들 2275, 2325 등은 mellow, smooth 처럼 부드럽다는 표현을 많이 하고, B 시리즈는 modern 하다고 많이 표현한다.

개인적으로는... 2325와 2330B 중에는... 2325는 돌비기능이 기본 탑재라서 버튼이 너무 많아 조작 노브 자꾸 찾아다니는게 번거롭고 싫었다. 2330B 비교하면, 2325의 판넬과 만듦새가 더 고급스럽다. 근데, 2325는 내부 사진상 보이는 만듦새와 달리, 잔고장이나 잡음이 많기로도 유명하다.

 KEF 104/2 와 베스트 매칭으로 알려진 산수이 9090/8080 , 2265B, 2285B 를 연결해봤는데  참 허전하고, 힘없는 소리만 났다. 마란츠 리시버중 댐핑이 좋다고 알려져있어, 2325에 기대감으로 연결해봤으나 역시 결론은 꽝. 그러던중 기대도 안하던  2330B 연결한 순간 104/2 소리가 뻥 터져나와서 놀랬다. 2330B는 확실히 에너지감이 좋기도 하지만, 스피커 매칭에 따라 약간 경질적인 소리성향도 있다. 대표적으로 JBL 최고 인기 스피커인 L112 에는 2265B가 부드러우면서도, 박진감,두툼함 모두 보여주는 것에 반해, 2330B 은 매칭시, 음장이 넓어지고, 배경음들이 잘 들려서 화사하지만, 가끔 힘으로 밀어내는 듯한 생각이  든다. 많이 들린다고, 꼭 좋게 들리는 것은 아니니까. ^^

2330b 는 2325에서 상당히 많이 업그레이드가 됐다. 예를 들어, 2330B 는 듀얼 파워다. 듀얼파워를 장착함으로서 가장 뛰어난 부분은 채널간의 간섭(cross talk distortion)을 제거했다는 것이다. 또한, 출력이 5W 높다.

Well the 2330b is quite an upgrade from the 2325. For instance the 2330b has a dual power amplifier in it and the 2325 does not. The great thing of having a dual power amplifier is that it virtually eliminates all cross-talk distortion. Also, the other difference between the 2330b and the 2325 is the 5watt difference between the two receivers. 2325 is 125wpc into 8ohms and 2330b is 130wpc into 8ohms. Here are the specs on the 2325: http://www.classic-audio.com/marantz/2325.html

and here are the specs on the 2330b: http://www.classic-audio.com/marantz/2330b.html

Now the only weakness of the 2330b is the big power caps. They are unobtanium and are not made anymore. The power caps in the 2330b are 2 caps in one. So the 2330b has 2 cap in it but it actually is 4 caps in all because since the receiver has dual power supplies, each channel has 2 big caps for each channel (or 1 cap for each channel since each cap counts as 2 caps).


The 2330B had a short production run, from 1977-79. Considering that the 2325 was made before it, I'd venture a guess that folks who wanted a high power Marantz already had the 2325 when the 2330B was introduced. It was also quite expensive. It's a beautiful machine, I think it's one of the best looking. The 2325, being from the earlier generation, is known for a warmer sound. I think you made a good choice in picking up a 2330B.


If I honestly personally comment, I hope my findings, or opinions of the Marantz 2330B won't discourage, or dishearten you.

I've had two of them, yes, two 2330B recievers, Both were in mint condition. I owned the pair about 8-9 years ago. In all, I've owned 9 vintage Marantz Recievers, my very first, was a brand new Maratz 4400 Quad Unit, which set me back $1200 back in '74. Six months later, the CRT Display burned out, and i dumped it, for McIntosh gear.

First, I'll say the good things I personally found. Firstly, this Marantz reciever, like many others, is a quite beautiful looking reciever. With all the nice lights, the beautiful craftsmanship, brushed Dial Face, and beautiful Knobs, this is one very pretty reciever. Most will agree, Marantz had virtually no peer in the reciever dept.

A very heavy reciever, yet, once one picks up a 100 watt vintage McIntosh Amp, you'll then quickly see some differences! 

As for sonics, I found both 2330B recievers to be sort of bland, monotonic, not very musical, not very dynamic, and seemed also have rolled off high frequency response.

And these were both tried with my JBL L-65 Jubal Speakers, which IMO are in no way lacking in thier high frequency response performance, with thier 077 Tweeters. 

The triad of Tone controls on the 2330B seemed to have no likeable, or usable setting. Once one started to try to dial in better sound, it seemed the sound only got worse from there. Dead flat on all the Tone Controls actually seemed better sounding, than by dialing in any sort of compensation with them, to make up for the shortcomings I previously note.

Did the Reciever have power (wattage) Well, yes it did, but as an old saying goes, and I'll apply it to this reciever, if the first watt doesn't sound good, what good is another 129 watts? In truth, this reciever, somwehat reminded me of a cheap Circuit City Emerson Reciever, I once bought for my mother years ago. 

I quickly sold both 2330B's, and moved on.

Of the 9 Marantz recievers i owned, and the ones I thought possessed the sweetest sound, and seemed to be what Marantz was known, and admired for, was a perfect, mint 2265 that I once bought on Ebay, from a woman, for $108, and it was a beauty. Superb FM section as well.

An the other, which i would say was the finest of all the Marantz Recievers I ever owned-had in my possession, and also ever heard, from any other sources, was a absolute dead mint 2285B Black Face Euro Version. I won that one as well from ebay, and in fact, i won the auction on my birthday. I paid $400 for that reciever, and paid an additional $200 off auction site, to the seller, for it's matching companion, a mint Black Face Euro 5025 Cassette Deck. 

If you should be curious to see what those two Units looked like, if you can find Ben Blish's vintage Marantz site, and Database, there you will see my attributed-donated pics of the Black Face 2285B, and its 5025 Cassette Deck brother.

Ben's site is pretty cool, and any Marantz Fan should have his site Bookmarked!

As for what Recievers that I like better than the afofmentioned Marantz, others I look highly upon, where the Sansui Eight-Eight Deluxe, the Sansui 7070, 8080, 9090, the G-8000, G-9000, and any other big "G" Series Sansui's.

I always felt, and this opinion is usually shared by many others as well, that Sansui had better designed, and more "usable" tone controls. Marartz was sort of odd in this regard with many of thier Recievers. Mark

Well, if you can pack it to withstand a nuclear blast, you can send it to a tech in the US. Catrafter is in Montana, but his services are in very high demand, you would be on a waiting list. I guarantee you that your 2330B is worth a full restoration. Just look at some of the gear on catrafter's website. As far as an SX-1280 goes, I think there's more unobtainium parts in those than in the 2330B. I'd take the Marantz for that reason only, the 1280 is still a hell of a receiver though.


Yet, I've heard quite a few say, that the 2325 was a better sounding reciever.

만약 2325가 더 싸면, 2325를 사고, 그렇지 않으면 2330 을 사라. 나는 둘 다 보유중이지만, 2330 의 소리가 더 좋다. 하지만, 2325 역시 나를 실망시키진 않는다.

IF the 2325 can be had cheap, get it. DO get the 2330. I've had both. I think the 2330 sounded better, but the 2325 did implode on me.

I got both. The 2330 is sweet. The 2325 needs some tlc. ※ TLC (Tender Loving Care : 부드럽고 사랑스러운 보살핌. 잔고장이 많다는 의미로 받아들여야....?)

I sure like my 2330. It is my main right now, driving JBL L-212s. Smooth as butter, yet the dynamics come through very well. The volume control does come on a little fast, but it doesn't bother me.

For a less sensitive volume control, you might want to look into either a smaller Marantz, or Pioneer SX-1050/1250.

The 2265b has always been highly praised by some atypical sources. Like old Marantz technicians, engineers, crazy people arguing with themselves, people that actually sold this stuff when it was new, etc.....

Location: Toms River New Jersey

Posts: 1,155

I had a 2252b for a few years. It sounded overly bright, at least to me, and the volume control was a hair trigger, at least in my setup. Otherwise it really did sound fantastic.

I'm sure it is most likely a speaker matching thing. I don't think my speakers are overly bright. But speaker impedance differences over a frequency range "could" be the culprit???? I also went through my single driver speaker phase. I'm sure glad it was a phase and I'm well out of it. I must have spent a ton of dough on Fostex speakers at one point. And lets not mention the tube years!!!!

I never modded or nor do I think the 2252b "was" modded at any point. But I always had my suspicion that someone MAY have replaced the volume control with the wrong value.

It didn't sound anything near my 2270. But far more edgy and almost irritating. Due to the excessive high pitch voicing it was the only receivers you could hear at low volume at the other end of the house. And not in a good way.

Anyway I have a 2330 arriving in about two weeks. And my last aquistion may be a 2265b. I'm ALMOST running out of gear to try. In my financial range of course.

I've had about 5 or 6 2325's and I've had two 2330b's (never a non b 2330 though...)

I can tell you that (to me) the 2330b sounds really nice. I found it to be mellower than any of the 2325's I've owned. Yet it was still detailed at top.

Having said that...

There is a sense of "raw power" that you get with the 2325 though... Someone mentioned something about crushing your kidney stones... LOL! Yes ... too true.. It's like a freight train pounding your chest. very fun!

But it may sound at times a bit grainy on top in comparison. But the bass way more than makes up for it's shortcomings in that dept.

About the "smoothest" sounding Marantz recievers I've heard are the 2230, the 2270 and the 2215B. I've had all of these as well and still have the 2215B.

I have a 2285b and it is very nice but can sometimes sound a bit "zippy" at top... this is only if you prefer a really smooth tube sound in the treble. You will get a "warmer" sound with a 2270 if that's what you are looking for.

Now if power doesn't matter... get a 2230... Smooth like butter on top with a nice somewhat bloomy bass response that flatters lean clinical speakers.

마란츠 출력석

마란츠 2252B :  A753, C132A, 검은색 마란츠 마크

마란츠 2265B, 2285B, 2330B : B645, D665, 붉은색 마란츠 마크

마란츠 2325 :  A7474, C1116A, 검은색 마란츠 마크

마란츠 2385 :  A----, C1586, 검은색 마란츠 마크

마란츠 1180 : B667, D427,  붉은색 마란츠 마크

얼짱 각도로 비교. 누가 누가 더 예쁜가?

외관상으로 보면, 2325가 훨씬 더 만들기 어려웠을 것으로 보인다. 근데, B 시리즈로 바뀌면서 원가절감과 동시에 확실히 더 모던하면서, 디자인의 통일성이 있어 보인다. 만듦새에 감탄하고, 녹턴 특유의 불빛만 보면 2325 승이지만, 전체적인 조화나 디자인만 보면 역시 2330B 의 압승!

[출처] 출력석 넘버 |작성자 juneeeeeee

Marantz 2330 or 2325. Which one? ( 2330과 2325 중 고르라면 어느쪽? )

만듦새는 외부도 내부도 마란츠 2325쪽이 훨~~씬 더 신경써서 만든 티가 보인다.
