뮤지컬 피델리티 A1 ( 수출용 모델명 A1-x , 독일 출시모델은 David, 국내 수입 A1-s)
: 1984~. 한 채널당 모토롤라 캔TR 2알로 푸시풀동작. 지금의 뮤지컬 피델리티를 있게 한, 뮤지컬 피델리티(뮤피) 최고의 베스트셀러. 포근하고, 따뜻한 소리. 크기에 비해 뛰어난 구동력. 현악이나 소편성, 보컬에는 발군의 실력!
다른 측면에서 보면, 딱딱 끊어지는 소리는 아니다. 음악을 느리게 재생시키는 느낌이다. 주로, 저역 때문인데 저역이 풀어지기 때문이라고 할 수 있다.
( 물론, 이 가격대에서 이런 오디오 평을 한다는 것 자체가 가격을 넘어서 중급기로 인정한다는 반증아닐까? ^^ )
뮤피 A1 은 오디오파일들이 소장용으로 구비해놓는 경우를 심심찮게 볼 수 있다. 기특해서 그렇겠지.
ㅇ 스펙
Power output: 20w/ch (8옴)
Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz
Total harmonic distortion: 0.5%
Input sensitivity: 0.2mV (MC), 2mV (MM), 200mV (line)
Signal to noise ratio: 55dB (MC), 60dB (MM), 80dB (line)
ㅇ 뮤피 A1 종류
초/중기형: 20w
MK3~10주년 작 : 25w.
A100, 120 : 60w / 팬소음.
sinfonia 등
ㅇ 중고 구입 주의사항
현재도 착한 중고가로 25-30만원대로 거래된다. 초기형 구입은 재고하자. 발열이 약간 개선된 후에도 A급 작동이라 열때문에 콘덴서나 부품열화가 많다. 110v 가 많지만, 220v 도 종종 보이니, 인내심!
꼭, 구입하고 싶다면... 수리/오버홀 이력 확인 후 구입하거나, 오버홀 할 생각으로 들여야 한다.(메인으로 사용시 수명 2년 안팎 예상... ㅠ)
ㅇ A1 베스트 매칭
로하스 계열, 스펜더 BC1 , 3/5a 등 (특히, 스펜더 BC1 과 역대급 매칭으로 유명하여 전세계적으로 불티나게 팔렸다.)
황준 베스트 매칭 100 에서 마지막 대미 장식 : http://blog.naver.com/juneeeeeee/70023600093
ㅇ A1 과 A1-x 차이?
A1-x 가 후기형으로 소개된 글들이 보이는데, A1-x는 유럽 일부 수출 모델명일 뿐이다.
A1-x 는 유럽일부 국가 출시명일뿐, 개선된 후기형이 아니다.
사진은 뮤피 A1-x 지만, A1 의 초기모델과 동일하다.(사진처럼 상단 커버가 두 파트이고, 옆에 환기구가 없다.)
외관에서 초기형과 후기형을 구분하는 방법은 상판 뚜껑이 두 개로 나뉘어 있고, 기기 옆에 통풍구가 없으면 초기형( 초기형은 구입은 피하자), 한 개로 돼있으면 중/후기형이라고 할 수 있다.
뮤지컬 피델리티 A1 10주년작. 크롬도금. 200개 한정 제작.
( http://www.markhennessy.co.uk/mf_a1/technical.htm )
A1-x는 A1의 후기형이 아니라, 유럽 일부국가 출시 모델명일 뿐이다. 독일 제품명은 David.
1984 Launch of A1 integrated amp, ‘the most important development so far in the renaissance of the UK hi-fi scene’ (Hi-Fi Answers).
The A1 was a somewhat controversial amplifier from Musical Fidelity. The electronic design was by Tim de Paravincini. The amplifier was originally launched in 1984, and was in production until the early 90s. Today, it is considered a classic.
The distinctive top cover is used as a heat sink and typically runs at 55-65°C - too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. This is caused by the output stage which is biased with a standing current of around 800mA. If one applies standard analysis, this results in the first 8 watts being delivered in class A - however, the designer argues that things are not quite that simple.
It does have a certain sound that has earned it praise over the years, but whether or not this can be attributed to class-A operation is open to debate. It is undeniably coloured - some reviews draw comparison with valved equipment.
Objectively, compared to its peers, the A1 has a generous power supply, uses some reasonable quality components and is quite well-made. Reliability is a thorny issue; there were no shortage of failures over the years. Facilities are minimal - you get an input selector and a volume control - apart from the power and tape-monitor switches, that's it. Well, apart from a phono stage that could do MC as well as MM. But no other facilities were included - no tone or balance controls, no headphone socket or loudspeaker switching and don't even think about remote control - this was 1984!
You don't even get much of a manual for your money - a single sheet of A4 folded in half... Click on the thumbnails below to view...
Model History
This section is sorely lacking as I only own one example! From old magazines and the booklet that Musical Fidelity included in Hi-Fi News a few of years back, I've been able to put together the following:
The A1 was released in 1984 to rave reviews. Minor revisions occurred throughout its life - early models didn't have ventilation holes in the side panels, and the top cover was in two sections. (초기 모델은 옆에 통풍 구멍이 없었고, 상단 뚜껑이 두 섹션으로 돼있었다.) The power supply capacitors were "axial" (wire-ended) devices that laid flat across the PCB. There were also some component value changes over the the years. My 1990 example is regarded as a MKII. You can see the differences on the next page.
Opposite is an extract from the 1990 brochure. The price is the sale-price that I paid - normal retail price at the time (summer 1991) was £300.
Shortly after the MKII upgrade, the A1 was upgraded to Mark 3 status. This involved a minor power increase to 25 watts per channel. The reviewers largely raved about it. (뮤피 A1 마크 3는 출력이 20w에서 25w 로 소폭 증가했고, 리뷰어들은 대부분 크게 칭찬했다.)
There were a number of special editions over the years. In 1991 Musical Fidelity released the "Collectors Edition" - of which only 24 were made, apparently. In the same year, they also released the "Final Edition", another limited production (only 200). Please note that these dates were taken from the Musical Fidelity booklet referred to above, and seem slightly earlier than my recollections - of course it takes time for stock to move via the retail channels.
Both the Collectors Edition and the Final Edition had an external PSU, and the latter had an increased power output of 40 watts per channel. Amusingly, the Final Edition is actually a B200 - a completely different circuit with a MOS-FET output stage. Just about the only thing in common was the case!
In parts of Europe, the A1 was called the A1-X. (유럽에서 A1은 A1-X 로 불렸다. 사진상으로는 A1과 A1-x 의 어떠한 차이도 알 수 없었다.) I've been sent some pictures of this, and I can't really tell any differences apart from the model designation. Also, there was a version in Germany called the "David". This was a tuned version, apparently.
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