네임 네이트1 은 출력과 달리 정말 구동력이 막강할까?
네이트 1의 경우 저역의 풍성한 양감을 바탕으로 한 약간 롤오프된 고역과 굵은 톤. 네이트 2와 비교시 굵은 소리.
1. 일반적인 동호회에서 네이트1 의 추천 매칭
스펜더 BC-1/2계열 , 린사라 , 셀레스천 SL6si, 로하스 3/5A , 린칸
2. 네이버 파워블로거 황준님 베스트 매칭
셀레스천 SL6si, JBL 4344, JBL L65, 로하스 3/5a
해외 베스트매칭 조합
네이트1 + 쿼드 ESL, ESL 63
First of all do not let the low power output fool you. This amp has grunt and
drive in spades, more, much more than you'd expect from such a
diminutive package. You'd be surprised to know that many Quadophiles
consider this amp a perfect match for Quad ESL and ESL 63's electrostatic loudspeakers.
first thing you may notice, perhaps because it comes as totally
unexpected, is overall dynamics. This amp can follow even the most
demanding tracks with ease, provided you don't ask for too much sound
pressure. It's quick, tempo'ed and pacey, in other words, just to use
the common Naimophiles jargon, it has PRaT (Pace, Rhythm and Tempo) in spades. It is simply damn good at that..
© Copyright 2003 Lucio Cadeddu - http://www.tnt-audio.com
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