CDP DAC 튜너/▶튜너(FM 라디오를 듣자)

매킨토시 튜너 정보 모으기(추천 : 진공관 MR-67과 71 / TR은 MR-78 )

AdultKid(오디오/스피커) 2013. 3. 15.

** 매킨 튜너 고르기 요약/결론

MR-65,66 은 모노 진공관 튜너로서 X.

MR-67,71 : 특히 MR 71은 매킨 최고의 음질로 불리우는 진공관 튜너. 진공관 튜너 상태 괜찮으면 ok

MR-74 : MR 78의 하급기로서, 지금은 거의 쓸모없는 AM 파트가 좋기로 유명했다고 한다. 상급기인 MR 78과 같은 자리에서 비교하면 만듦새 차이가 상당히 있다. (중간 사진 참조)

MR 78 : FM 전용튜너로서, 매킨토시의 마지막 아날로그 튜너이나 명품으로 평가. 두툼하고고, 다이나믹한 음질로 매킨 아날로그 튜너중 가장 인기가 많다.

매킨 마지막 아날로그 튜너인 78 이후 디지털 튜너들은 가격 대비 그리 좋은 평가를 못받고 있다. 그 가격대 대안이 많기 때문이다.

MR-80 최초의 디지털 튜너로서... 가격 대비는...갸우뚱

MR-708X 계열도 비추.

MR 71 : 매킨 진공관 튜너의 최고봉

MR 78 : 매킨의 마지막 아날로그 튜너이자 TR 튜너의 최고봉.

MR 87 : 매킨 아날로그 튜너보다 못하다는 평 듣지만, 그래도 매킨토시 멋져.

매킨토시 앰프 정보는

1906년 7월, 매킨토시 출생, 어릴 적에는 첼로를 연주해서 고등학교 재학 시, 형제들과 트리오를 구성하여 라디오방송에도 출연함. 이를 계기로 후에, 그 방송국에서 엔지니어로 일하기도 함.

MR-71 (진공관 튜너)  수신감도나 음질면에서 사실 매킨 최고의 튜너인데 진공관이 무려 11개 인가 들어 갑니다.(숫자는 조금 확실치 않네요. 기억력이 자꾸만 나빠져서요.. ^.^) 주파수가 동조되면 매직아이라는 수신창의 불이 한 곳으로 모이는 모습이 너무도 예쁜, 보는 것으로도 만족함을 느낄 수 있는 제품입니다. 문제는 상태인데 진공관 튜너의 경우 진공관 한 두개만 맛이 가도 튜너의 성능이 바닥으로 떨어지기 때문에 깨끗한 것을 구하시는 게 관건입니다. MR-67이라는 진공관 튜너도 쓸 만 했습니다

MR-67 ( MR-71과 함께 매킨 진공관 튜너를 대표 )

MR 74 (1972-79, $849) - ebay시세 $400-600 / 국내 중고 시세 : 60

AM부가 특히 좋은 것으로 알려져있으며, 출시가는 MR78의 딱 반 가격. 특이한 점은 ebay 중고시세가 여전히 MR78의 절반 가격에 유지가 된다는 점. 매킨의 튜너 프리앰프인 MX-113에 채용된 튜너부와 동일하다.

MR 78 (1972-79, $1,699,) - ebay 시세는 $650~800 / 국내 중고시세 100-110만원(우드케이스 포함시 약 120-130)   TR시대 최고의 명기로 알려진 튜너로서, 수신감도도 좋은 편인데다가 내구성이 뛰어나며, 특히 음색이 저가 일본제 들과는 달리 날리지 않고 박력과 따스함을 다 갖추고 있서 애용자가 많은 인기 제품입니다. 거의 웬만한 파워앰프에 가까울 정도로 상히 무거운 편.

 MR 74 하단 다이얼 노브 기능  MR 78 하단 다이얼 노브 기능

1. 모드 선택 ( AM / FM /FM MONO )

2. 잡음 필터 Out / 1 / 2

3. 채널 선택도 2단계 : Normal / Narrow

4. FM 뮤팅 (off / Distant / Local)

 ** MR 74 와 달리, FM 전용튜너여서, 모드 선택 노브 없음.

1. 채널 선택도 3단계 : Normal / Narrow / Super Narrow

2. 미터기 : Signal Strength(신호강도) 표시 / 멀티패스 표시

3. 잡음 필터 Out / 1 / 2

4. FM 뮤팅 (Out / Distant / Local)

5. 모드 : 스트레오 / 모노 / 자동 스테레오-모노 전환

매킨 74와 78 의 성능 차이는 크지 않아 보이지만, 디자인을 자세히 비교하면 의외로 차이가 크다. 각 노브의 만듦새, 전면 패널 미터기 표시, 패널 좌측 신호 표시. 매킨의 장점 답게 MR 78 이 훨씬 귀티난다.

MR-80 매킨 최초의 디지털 튜너로서 정말 꽝인 제품이었습니다. 음질도 그렇고, 생긴 꼬락서니도 그렇고 한데 무엇보도 참을 수 없는 것은 디지털 표시창의 불량 또는 IC의 불량이 많아서 뻑하 불이 나가고 전원을 끄면 입력된 방송국 메모리가 모두 날라가는 등 아뭏튼 골통이 많든 제품이었습니다. 

이 이후에 만든 MR-708X 어쩌구 하는 4자리 모델들은 정말 값에 비해서 쓸만하지 않습니다. (비교적 최근에 나오는 MR-7084도 마찬가지입니다) 이 값이면 차라리 FM-4나 매그넘 다이너랩의 FT-101이나 Etude가 백번 낫답니다.

출처 :

1. McIntosh Tube Tuner (매킨토시의 진공관 튜너 )

Mono: MR 65 , MR 66

Stereo: MR 65B, MR 67 , MR 71

Our panelist Bob reports on the MR 65 and its relatives: "I just finished an alignment of a beautiful MR 65 and was really pleased with the results. I was really surprised to see that this tuner had 4 gangs, unlike 99% percent of tube tuners that only had three. There are two gangs after the antenna input. Actually, it is the same setup as the MR 66, the AM-FM model. The MR 65 has station-pulling ability just about as good as a decent 4-gang solid-state tuner, and maybe better than some. It passed my 94.3/94.5 adjacent channel test with flying colors. The sound quality stock needs some work - it's not bad, but the old coupling caps need updating to deliver the goods. Overall, a pleasant surprise. These go pretty cheap for McIntoshes, so I give it a 'good buy' rating. I paid $300 for a piece with some cosmetic problems that needed cleaning and alignment. But it has an MPX circuit installed, which was optional. The MR 65B is similar in looks and function, but adds a front-panel stereo light, uses a 6DS4 Nuvistor instead of the 6BN4A for the RF amp, and uses a solid-state rectifier. The follow-on MR 67 is also similar in circuit function, but has a different front panel and meter setup, and drops back to a 3-gang front end."

There was a good discussion on the MR 67 and MR 71 on Audio Asylum, and our contributor John Byrns adds the following:

"I am as willing as anyone to speculate on why the MR 67 might sound better than the MR 71, so I took a look at the schematics of these two similar tuners to see what the differences were. From front to back the differences I noted were as follows:

1. The MR 71 has a 4-gang front end, while the MR 67 has a 3-gang front end. I don't expect that this difference would have any effect on the sonic attributes of either tuner.

2. The MR 71 has an additional IF stage, giving it a total of three IF stages to the MR 67's two IF stages. The additional IF stage adds 2 (4) more poles to the IF filtering, which may result in a narrower IF response depending on the bandwidth of the remaining IF filters relative to those in the MR 67. The additional IF amplifier and filtering could impact the sound of the tuner, perhaps negatively at high signal levels, while perhaps offering better sound under more difficult reception conditions.

3. The MR 67 uses a simple signal strength operated squelch, while the MR 71 uses a more complex noise activated squelch which has its own dedicated discriminator. This shouldn't have any impact on the relative sound of the two tuners.

4. The multiplex decoder circuits appear to be identical in the two tuners, but they may use different "SCA" filters. The MR 67 filter is shown as discrete components in the schematic, while the "SCA" filter in the MR 71 is shown as a "black box" module, which may have a different filter topology, along with different phase and amplitude response. If the "SCA" filters are different, this would impact the sound quality, although it is impossible to say which might be better without knowing more about the two filters.

5. The audio output stages in both tuners appear to be virtually identical, except for the details of how the negative feedback from the second plate circuit back to the first cathode is arranged. The output jacks are also connected differently to the second plate circuits, which is tied in with the feedback change. These changes, minor as they seem, could have a significant impact on the sonics of the two tuners."

MR 71

MR 67

제 2기: 아날로그 TR 튜너 (MR73 ~ MR78. 디지털 튜너인 MR-80 이전)

McIntosh MR 73 (1969, $550)

The MR 73 is fairly common and usually sells for $325-475 on eBay, with a low of $278 in 8/04 and occasional highs around $700.

McIntosh MR 74 (1972-79, $849) - MR78과 같이 출시됐으며, MR78의 하급기이며 MR78의 딱 반 가격.(MR78 출시가는 74의 두 배인 $1,699.) AM 섹션이 특히 좋고, ebay에서 $400-600 에 거래되며, 우드캐비닛에 있는 민트급은 $1,124 에 낙찰되기도 했다.  ebay 중고시세도 MR 78이 딱 두배 높다.

Former Stereophile reviewer Don Scott compared a modified MR 74 to a stock MR 78 and said: "I thought the MR 74 was better in oscillator stability (less drift) and every bit as good in selectivity and sensitivity. This was using just one Murata 110 kHz filter in place of the 230 kHz (?) filter they used. I would think that using two IF filters in series, and replacing the IF-amplification transistor on the little separate super-narrow IF board with one with more gain, would yield even better results. I think it would beat [the MR 78] hands down." Our contributor John B. says, "The MR-74 has one of the best AM sections of any tuner I have owned, although that only applies if it has been modified by the addition of a 10 kHz whistle filter, which the stock unit lacks for some reason." Our contributor John L. points out that the MR 74 has variable selectivity for AM as well as FM. Our contributor Hank A. adds, "The MR 74 has wonderful sonics and is the quietest tuner I own" out of many top tuners. Our contributor Kent says, "The MR 74 is a much better tuner than any of the Magnum Dynalab units. The MR 74 is the best solid state tuner Mc built for sound quality. Excellent AM section, too. The RF performance of the MR 74 is excellent and the audio quality is superb. A best buy for your dollar. I am chief engineer of two NPR outlets in East Tennessee and we use MR 74 tuners as air monitors." Our contributors Tim and Ann did a wonderful writeup of the MR 74 and other Macs in the Yahoo McIntosh Audio group, with a follow-up here. See Roger Russell's site for more information. The MR 74 generally sells for $400-600 on eBay, but nice examples (particularly with wooden cabinets) can sell for $1,000 or more. The record high was $1,124 in 10/06 for a mint MR 74 with wooden cabinet and manual.

McIntosh MR 75 (1980, $1,400)

Our contributors Tim and Ann discussed the MR 75 and other Macs in the Yahoo McIntosh Audio group. The MR 75 usually sells for $475-800 on eBay, but a "new" MR 75 went for $1,649 in 3/07.

McIntosh MR 77 (1970-78, $699)

The FM-only MR 77 is not quite an MR 78, but maybe pretty close if the specs listed on Roger Russell's site are accurate (but we're not so sure that they are... see our FMtuners group for details). Our contributors Tim and Ann discussed the MR 77 and other Macs in the Yahoo McIntosh Audio group, with a follow-up here. Our contributor Brian L. says, "I've owned the MR 77 since new and it has gone up against some very good tuners and its sound has consistently been the winner. When I put it up against my Philips AH-6731, it was neck and neck for sound. Very close, with the Mac being slightly more smooth and preferred to the Philips." Here is an Audio magazine article written by Richard Modafferi, the designer of the MR 77, about Rimo filters. The MR 77 usually sells for $500-800 on eBay, with a low of $315 in 10/07 and a high of $1,275 in 3/06.

McIntosh MR 78 (1972-79, $1,699,) - MR74의 상급기이자, MR74와 달리 FM 전용튜너. ebay 시세는 $650~800(우드 케비닛이 있는 경우 $800-1000 이상) 이지만 기기 상태에따라 달려있고, 최근 최고 낙찰가는 $1,675 for one with a wooden cabinet in 3/08, $1,599 for a mint one in 2/10, and $1,551 이였다.

A wonderful classic analog FM-only tuner with great sensitivity and selectivity, the MR 78 was "the" tuner in some circles (including among DXers) in the '70s and still holds its own against newer tuners that sell for higher prices despite less solid construction (the Fanfare tuners come to mind). See Roger Russell's site for the specs. Our contributor David Rich notes, "The MR 78 is double-tuned at the input, then has a cascoded (better linearity) RF stage followed by another double-tuned filter." Here's our panelist Bob's detailed description of the MR 78's layout: "5-gang front end, implemented as follows: 2 gangs, followed by cascode RF power amp (Nch. JFET driving NPN bipolar), then 2 gangs, then balanced mixer (IC1, no common ID), then double-tuned IF transformer. Then the IF switching starts - at the super-narrow section, which uses a packaged crystal filter similar to a ceramic (connections are in-gnd-out). Normal and narrow bypasses it. Normal uses 4 double-tuned transformers, set up as 2 - amp - 2. Narrow adds 4 more double-tuned transformers, to makes the composite filter 4 - amp - 4. So the normal IF filter is 8 poles, and narrow adds 8 poles, for a total of 16 poles." Bob is not sure whether the MR 78's designers counted the double-tuned IF transformer at the mixer output as part of the normal filter, because it is not labeled as a filter on the block diagram; if it is counted, the normal IF filter would be said to have 10 poles. Despite its fantastic selectivity, the MR 78 is no longer the premier tuner for DXers because its selectivity can now be matched or exceeded by a less expensive tuner modified with narrow ceramic filters.

Our contributor Ed Hanlon suggests that an MR 78 be tuned up: "After mods, it's a top-flight performer. However, audiophiles have noticed that the very top frequences sound like they're missing." Our contributor John Byrns points out that "there are at least two different versions of the MR 78 with different audio stages. The early MR 78s have no low-pass filtering before the outputs, while the later models add a pair of 'brick wall' three-inductor 15 kHz LPFs and a pair of buffer amplifiers." Our contributor Jovit identified three different versions of the MR 78 when describing how to change the de-emphasis in our FMtuners group. Our contributors Tim and Ann discussed the MR 78 and other Macs in the Yahoo McIntosh Audio group. Here is an Audio magazine article written by Richard Modafferi, the designer of the MR 78, about Rimo filters. MR 78s with wooden cabinets usually sell for $800-1,000 or higher on eBay, while the $650-800 range is more likely sans cabinet, but prices are very dependent on condition -- cosmetically challenged pieces can sell for as little as $500 or so on eBay, while those in mint condition may sell for $1,100-1,200 or more. Recent highs were $1,675 for one with a wooden cabinet in 3/08, $1,599 for a mint one in 2/10, and $1,551 in 10/10. See how one MR 78 sounded compared to other top tuners on our Shootouts page, and read our panelist David "A"'s treatise on the MR 78 on the Ricochets page. Our contributor Charles posted a great review of the MR 78, and a worthwhile follow-up, in our FMtuners group. A final caution for eBay buyers: for a big, heavy piece, the MR 78 is very sensitive to being bumped during shipping, especially the front panel lamps. [EF][JR]

3. 디지털 튜너

McIntosh MR 80 (1980-85, $2,499, front1, front2, back, Audio review)

The MR 80 has an LED frequency display despite its analog tuning knob and mechanical tuning capacitor. Its digital readout in lieu of tuning and signal meters can be cumbersome for a DXer because it is difficult to determine where the edge of a channel is when detuning. (This should be less of a problem for non-DXers, who are more likely to tune stations with the MR 80's "lock" circuitry engaged.) The MR 80 has 4 presets that are like little separate tuners, and the tuning knob acts as a fifth preset. Some controls are located on the top of the tuner. The MR 80 has two IF settings, compared to the MR 78's three, but most of the comments above regarding the MR 78 apply to the MR 80 as well.

Our panelist Bob says, "The MR 80 is clearly designed to a higher standard for difficult-signal reception, at least on paper. In the RF front end it uses the superbly overload-resistant 'cascade' amp design (as seen in the MR 78), but it has 5 *varactor* gangs. It has 2 gangs before the RF amp, which is the optimum configuration for strong out-of-band signal rejection. The mixer is balanced, using two JFET transistors, feeding the IF output transformer. In the IF it has a selector to engage a 'super narrow' quartz crystal filter, which then feeds the 'narrow' IF path. The narrow IF (the definition on the schematic, not mine)consists of 5 ceramic filters, 5 IF amps, and a limiter amp. If we take that literally, the MR 80 has super narrow and narrow modes, and no wide. After the diode type detector (both diodes point the same way on the schematic, Foster-Seeley type?), the MPX circuit uses the LM-4500. There are separate L,R separation adjustments, followed by op-amp buffers, then 19 and 38 kHz notch filters, then a stage that appears to be an op-amp based low-pass filter, at least four poles. This is a complex and expensive implementation not usually seen except on 'statement' high-end tuners. On paper, the MR 80 would not appear to be the best choice for an audiophile, due to lack of the RIMO low-distortion IF filter found in the MR 74, MR 77 and MR 78. That to me appears odd, especially with the care given to the sonics of the MR 80's MPX stage. Typically 5 ceramic filters do not yield the lowest distortion. Maybe it doesn't matter?" Bob adds, "All the ceramic filter stages are individually given the proper 330-Ohm input and output impedance, which is the best way (many other tuners use two filters in a row, without a gain/buffer stage to separate them). But lacking in the MR 80 are the adjustments (cap and pot) seen in Yamaha tuners to dial in the lowest possible distortion from the ceramics."

Our contributor John Byrns adds, "The MR 80 uses a belt and suspenders approach: it has both a post-detection filter and a TCA4500A MPX decoder chip with harmonic response suppression. The post-detection filter is a three-coil unit similar to the ones made by Toko and others; I believe the later MR 78s used a similar, or maybe even identical filter. I suspect that the filter is not just a simple 7-pole low-pass filter, but includes 'notches' to increase the rate of rolloff around the cutoff frequency. The name for that type of filter escapes me at the moment." See how one MR 80 sounded compared to other top tuners on our Shootouts page. Our panelist Eric found that one sample of the MR 80 sounded as good as or better than an MR 78, and the MR 80 even has slightly better specs (see Roger Russell's site). The MR 80 usually sells for $550-800 on eBay, but $900-1,000 or more is certainly possible. The record high was $1,992 in 5/05 when two newbies went berserk. [EF][JR]

McIntosh MR 7082

Our contributor Greg says, "The MR 7082 is basically an analog tuner with one IF bandwidth and a nice LED digital frequency display. The local oscillator and RF front end are tuned via varactors, so there's not a traditional mechanically ganged variable capacitor. (Therefore the front panel frequency knob is coupled to a potentiometer that controls the bias voltage on the varactors.) This arrangement is similar to some other tuners, such as the Magnum Dynalab FT-101A. The MR 7082 is a pleasure to tune around the FM band because, unlike digitally synthesized tuners that briefly mute during each new frequency settin), the MR 7082 tunes smoothly and continuously across the band. When connected to an outside antenna in 'the big city,' the MR 7082's RF performance is significantly better than the FT-101A's, because the FT-101A's front end produces such horrific amounts of RF intermod and crossmod in the presence of a full band of very strong FM broadcast signals. The MR 7082 is not so afflicted.

Given only a single IF bandwidth (that's seemingly set a bit more for best fidelity, than for best selectivity), the MR 7082 wouldn't be the best tuner to receive weak signals in the presence of strong adjacents. The MR 78 is significantly better for that task. Regarding audio fidelity, to my ears the MR 7082 sounds clean but a bit on the 'thin' side. Many years ago I was going to look into that, to see what I could do - possibly increasing the value of some coupling capacitors or something? - to give its sound more 'body' and power. But I never got around to that project. I found that both an MR 71 and Modafferi-modded MR 78 sounded better than the MR 7082." The MR 7082 usually sells for $360-700 on eBay, with a low of $300 in 7/07 and all-time highs of $1,035 in 9/04 and $1,000 in 9/06.

McIntosh MX 113

Our contributors Tim and Ann tell us that the MX 113 tuner-preamp has essentially the same tuner section as the MR 74, "but the MX 113's audio output is handled via completely different circuitry than in the MR 74. In the MR 74's design, after the signal leaves the MPX section, it is routed to a very simple output amp (remember the 'KISS' rule) [keep it simple, stupid - Editor] that amplifies the signal and sends it to both sets of outputs on the MR 74. The volume control on the MR 74 is completely passive in nature and only attenuates the signal from the output amp, which explains why the sound quality from both sets of outputs on the MR 74 is identical. In the MX 113, however, the PHONO preamp is utilized as the circuit that amplifies the FM signal output from the MPX section of the tuner. Additional signal processing takes place here in that the RIAA curve EQ is not applied to the signal from the MPX section AND the gain of the phono preamp has to be reduced from ~120 to 10 when it is handling the output from the MPX section. This output is sent to the Tape Out jacks and the preamp's line section. The end result is that FM on a stock MX 113 is not going to sound the same as FM on a stock MR 74 because of the additional complexity in how the FM signal is processed in the MX 113." Our panelist Ray says his MX 113 "came up a tad short" of the Pioneer TX-9800 and Hitachi FT-5500 MKII for sensitivity, and equalled the FT-5500MKII for overload rejection. The MX 113 usually sells for $350-550 on eBay, with a low of $315 in 12/07, a record high of $985 in 5/07, and a recent high of $760 in 4/11. [RFM]

McIntosh MX 114

According to Tim and Ann, the FM-only MX 114's tuner section is basically the same as the MR 74, but read the caveat in the MX 113 writeup above. The MX 113 usually sells for $300-510 on eBay.

McIntosh MX 117

The MX 117 is a tuner-preamp that uses the same tuner as the Mac MR 75. Our panelist Bob offers this analysis: "The MX-117 has 5 analog gangs, a typical 4-pin MOSFET RF amp, and a MOSFET balanced mixer. Two of the gangs are before the RF amp (when the 'preselector' switch on back panel is engaged, which would likely make this tuner very flexible for both city dwellers and remote DXers. It has 4 ceramic filters with 4 gain stages, which is in no way an 'economy' design. All the ceramic filter stages are individually given the proper 330-Ohm input and output impedance, which is the best way (many other tuners use two filters in a row, without a gain/buffer stage to separate them). But lacking in the MX 117 are the adjustments (cap and pot) seen in Yamaha tuners to dial in the lowest possible distortion from the ceramics. The MPX stage uses an unidentified chip, which directly drives a block identified as the 'MPX' filter, followed by an op-amp stage. This is more typical of what is seen in most other 'common' tuners."

Our contributors Tim and Ann evaluated the MX 117 in our FMtuners group, and did a lengthy shootout with the MR 74 here. They conclude, "For sound, we think the MX 117 gives our MR 74 a real run for the money, and the MR 74 wins by a mere slight nose on sound quality. But, and this is a big but, if we needed to DX or listen to stations weaker than the ones we listen to, we'd happily use the MX 117 as our primary tuner as it is more sensitive than the MR 74. Our big beef with the MX 117/MR 75 is that this is when McIntosh dropped the ability to choose between wide and narrow selectivity in their tuner line, and all subsequent tuners they have designed and manufactured operate at a fixed selectivity. The MR 80 was the last tuner they made and designed that had adjustable selectivity. We hear a slight roll-off of the highs on our MX 117 that we do not hear on our MR 74 and this, and the very slightly more natural midrange reproduction we hear with the MR 74, is why we prefer the MR 74. But again, if we were signal-strength challenged, we'd happily choose the MX 117/MR 75." The MX 117 usually sells for $565-800 on eBay, with a low of $400 in 10/08 and record highs of $1,200 in 10/10 and $1,175 in 1/11.

McIntosh Tuners

A History

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For complete literature and retail prices of current products Contact McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.

T = tube


A complete list of tubes is given for tube tuners.

sao = stereo add-on


There may be missing prices or other features. Tuners and multiplex adapters are listed numerically.

sc = am/fm simulcast


Any additions, corrections or comments are welcome.

sw = switch

Adj = adjust

ctrl = control


Scope outputs in early tuners may be named TP1 and TP2. They may be located on the main chassis instead of the back panel

MA5 T mpx

MA6 T mpx

MR55 T am fm mono

MR55A T am fm mono

MR65 T fm mono

MR65A T fm mono sao

MR65B T fm stereo

MR66 T am fm sao sc

MR67 T fm stereo

MR71 T fm stereo

MR73 am fm stereo

MR74 am fm stereo

MR75 am fm stereo

MR77 fm stereo

MR78 fm stereo

MR80 fm stereo

MR500 fm stereo

MR510 fm stereo

MR7082 am fm stereo

MR7083 am fm stereo

MR7084 am fm stereo

MA 5 multiplex adapter for mounting internally in the MR65 and MR65A tuners.


ELECTRICAL: Hum -60dB. Distortion 0.3%. Supression of pilot and carrier -40dB

MECHANICAL: Mounts with 4 screws supplied. 9-pin plug for internal connection to main chassis.

TUBES: 12AU7, 6U8

Size 3-13/16"H, 4-1/8"W, and 3-7/8"D. Weight 3/4 lb.

MA 6 Multiplex adapter for MR66. External. 4-pin plug fits socket on the back of MR66

Tubes: 6AU6, 12AU7.

MR 55 Tube. AM-FM Mono.


FM SECTION: Sensitivity 3uV. Response 20-20kHz (+3 -3dB). Distortion less than 3%. Capture ratio 1 to 0.8. Four IF stages. Two limiters.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 1.5uV. Selectivity bandwidth 20-10kHz, 20-6.5kHz, and 20-2kHz. Whistle filter 70dB reject at 10kHz.

FRONT PANEL: Selector sw: fm listen, fm tune, am brd, am med, am sharp or phono. Volume control with on-off switch. AM sensitivity sw: greatest, intermediate or minimum. AFC ctrl: min to max. Tuning ctrl.

BACK PANEL: MPX out. Audio out. Phono in. Panel lamp sw: high or low. AM antenna sw: loop or antenna. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm antenna.

TUBES: 2-6BZ7, 6AB4, 2-6BJ6, 3-6AU6, 4-6AL5, 6BN6, 6BV8, 6BA6, 6BE6, 2-12AU7.

Size 4-3/4"H, 14-3/4"W and 12"D. Weight 17 lbs-3 oz. Sold from 1957-1959. Last retail price $249.00

MR 55A Tube. AM-FM Mono.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 3uV. Response 20-20kHz within 3dB. Distortion less than 3%. Capture ratio 1 to 0.8. Four IF stages. Two limiters.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 1.5uV. Selectivity bandwidth 20-9kHz, 20-6.5kHz, and 20-2kHz. Whistle filter 70dB reject at 10kHz.

FRONT PANEL: AFC ctrl: min to max. Input selector sw: phono, am sharp, am med, am brd, fm tune or fm listen. Tuning ctrl. Volume with on-off switch.

BACK PANEL: AM antenna sw: ant or loop. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm antenna. 2 audio out jacks.

TUBES: 6BK7, 2-6AB4, 2-6BA6, 4-6AU6, 6AL5, 2-6BN8, 6U8, 12AU7, 6BE6, 6BW4.

Size 4-3/4"H, 14-3/4"W and 12"D. Weight 17 lbs-3 oz. Sold from 1959-1962. Last retail price $276.00

MR 65 Tube. Mono.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 3.25uV. Response 20-20kHz within 2dB. Distortion less than 3%. Capture ratio 1 to 0.7. Image rejection better than 80dB. Hum -65dB. Audio output 4V. Three IF stages. Two limiters. Antenna inputs 300 ohms balanced and 75 ohms unbalanced. Can be used for stereo with the addition of an MA5 multiplex adapter that mounts internally. There's no MPX light feature when the MA5 is added.

FRONT PANEL: Volume ctrl. Mode selector sw: ext stereo, mpx stereo, fm, power off. AFC ctrl: min to max, Muting sw: in or out. Tuning ctrl. Zero adj for signal strength and tuning meters behind end caps. Signal strength meter. Tuning meter.

BACK PANEL: MPX output. Muting adj. Mono out (2). Stereo in and out. FM ant and to tv set terminals. Fuse. AC outlet. Lamp switch: high and low.

TUBES: 2-6BN4A, 12AT7, 4-6AU6, 6CS6, 6BN8, 6U8, 6C4, EZ80/6V4.

Size 5-1/8"H, 15-5/8"W and 12-3/16"D behind panel. Weight 21.5 lb. Sold from 1960-1962. Last retail price $225.00

MR 65A Tube. Mono/stereo. Can be used for stereo with the addition of an MA5 multiplex adapter that mounts internally. There's no MPX light feature when the MA5 is added. Sold from 1962-1966. Last retail price $284.00

MR 65B Tube. FM tuner Stereo.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-20kHz within 0.5dB. Distortion less than 0.5%. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection better than 80dB. Three IF stages. Two limiters. Factory built with MX-1 multiplex adapter installed. The MX-1 is the same as the MA5 but was supplied only with the MR65B

FRONT PANEL: Volume ctrl. Mode selector sw: ext stereo, mpx stereo, fm, power off. AFC ctrl: min to max, Muting sw: in or out. Tuning ctrl. Zero adj for signal strength and tuning meters behind end caps. Signal strength meter. Tuning meter. MPX light.

BACK PANEL: Panel light sw: bright or dim. Muting adj. Output adj. Ext stereo input. 300 or 75 ohm fm antenna. Audio out 2.5V fixed or variable. Scope outputs.

TUBES: 6DS4, 12AT7, 4-6AU6, 6CS6, 6BN8, 2-6BL8, 6BN4, 12AU7, 6U8, 12AU7. Solid state rectifier.

Size 5-1/8"H, 15-5/8"W and 12-3/16"D behind panel. Weight 22 lb. Sold from 1962-1964. Last retail price $329.00

MR 66 Tube. Mono/stereo.

Stereo simulcast (binaural) am/fm tuner. Can be used for fm stereo with outboard MA6 multiplex adapter. Separate AM and FM tuning knobs.

FM SECTION: sensitivity 3-1/4uV. Response 20-20kHz within 2dB. Distortion less than 0.8%. Capture ratio 1 to 0.7. Three IF stages. Two limiters. Image rejection 80dB.

AM SECTION: sensitivity 1.5uV. Selectivity bandwidth 20-20kHz, 20-11.5kHz, 20-8kHz, and 20-6.5kHz. Whistle filter reject 70dB at 10kHz. Audio out 4v.

FRONT PANEL: AM sw: multiplex fm, am out, narrow, medium 1, medium 2 or broad. Mode selector sw: mon am, mon fm, stereo or power off. AFC ctrl: min to max. FM function sw: mute out, mute in or fm out. AM signal strength meter. FM tuning meter. Zero adj for am and fm signal strength meters behind end caps.

BACK PANEL: MPX out. MPX adapter power. 2 mpx inputs. AM out. FM out. AM antenna sw: ant or loop. Lamp sw: hi or lo. AM out adj. FM out adj. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm antenna.

TUBES: 2-6BN4A, 12AT7, 4-6AU6, 6CS6, 12AU7, 6BN8, 2-6U8, 2-6BA6, 6BE6, 2-6BY8, 6BW4.

Size 5-1/8"H, 15-5/8"W and 12-3/16"D behind panel. Weight 27 lb. Sold from 1960-1961. Last retail price $325.00

MR 67 Tube FM tuner. Stereo. Glass panel at top. Anodized gold at bottom.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-20kHz within 0.5dB. Distortion less than 0.5%. Capture ratio 1.7dB. Image rejection better than 60dB. Four IF stages. Two limiters. Separation 30dB.

TOP PANEL: Pilot lamp intensity: bright or dim. Indicator function: signal strength or multipath.

FRONT PANEL: Glass panel top. Gold anodized bottom. Volume ctrl. Mode selector sw: mpx stereo or fm mono. Power sw: on or off. Muting sw: on or off. Tuning ctrl. Electron ray tube: signal strength/multipath and tuning . MPX indicator.

BACK PANEL: Muting adj. Audio out: 2.5V variable, 2.5V fixed. 300 or 75 ohm fm antenna. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

TUBES: 6DS4, 12AT7, 6AB4, 3-6AU6, 6CS6, 6AV6, EMM801, 2-6BL8, 6U8, 12AU7. Solid state rectifier.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 24-1/2 lb. .Sold from 1963-1968. Last retail price $299.00

Letter to all McIntosh dealers dated October 25, 1963.

"Technical additions to the MR71 tuner over the MR65B

1. The MR71 will be on Panloc mounting system. The MR65B was not.

2. The MR71 will have the multipath indicator as is now in the MR67. The MR65B does not have this.

3. The MR71 has an improved front end, which will completely eliminate the spurious frequency problem.

4. The MR71 has an SCA filter, which gives you 250dB per octave attenuation* of the annoying noises that leak into the stereo channel from storecasting.

5. The MR71 will have automatic electronic switching between mono and stereo and between stereo and mono.

6. MR71 has 5 IF stages. MR65B has four.

7. MR71 has two greatly improved meters, one in signal strength and one in center channel tuning.

When you stop to figure that the MR65B sold for $329.00 without these features, and the MR71 is priced at $399.00 -- this, in my book, makes it a terrific buy."

*Note: The dealer letter should say a filter with a 275 dB per octave rolloff.

MR 71 Tube. FM Stereo.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-20kHz within 0.5dB. Distortion less than 0.5%. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection better than 70dB. Five IF stages. Two limiters. Separation 30dB. SCA rejection 50dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass panel at top. Anodized gold at bottom. Volume ctrl. Mode selector sw: stereo auto, mono or power off. AFC ctrl: min to max, Muting sw: in or out. Tuning ctrl. Signal strength and tuning meters. MPX and multipath indicators.

BACK PANEL: Muting adj. Audio out: 2.5V variable and 2.5V (rear ctrl). 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

TUBES: 6DS4, 12AT7, 6BN4A, 4-6AU6, 6CS6, 6HU6/EM87, 6BN8, 2-6BL8, 6U8, 12AU7. Solid state rectifier.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 27 lb. Sold from 1963-1969. Last retail price $399.00

MR 73 AM-FM tuner. Glass front panel.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-20kHz (+1 -1dB). Distortion 0.7% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection 70dB. S/N 70dB. Separation 35dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 90dB. SCA rejection 50dB.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 12uV. Response -6dB at 5kHz. Distortion 1.0%. Adjacent channel selectivity 30dB. S/N 55dB. Image rejection 60dB.

FRONT PANEL: Mode selector sw: am, fm or fm mono. Stereo filter sw: out or in. FM muting sw: out or in. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Signal strength and tuning meters. MPX indicator. Multipath indicator.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable and fixed. Built-in ferrite loopstick. AM ant sw: ext or loop. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 24 lb. Sold from 1969-1971. Last retail price $549.00

MR 74 AM-FM tuner.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB) stereo. Distortion 0.5% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Selectivity: adjacent channel = 6dB normal, 15dB narrow. alternate channel = 68dB normal, 88dB narrow. Image rejection 95dB. S/N 70dB. Separation 35dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 90dB. SCA rejection 50dB. Stereo filter noise reduction: 10dB position 1, 20dB position 2

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 75uV. Response: Normal -6dB at 3.5kHz, Narrow -6dB at2.1kHz. Distortion 1.0%. Adjacent channel selectivity: normal 35dB, narrow 45dB. S/N 55dB. Image rejection 65dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Mode selector sw: am, fm or fm mono. Stereo filter sw: out, 1 or 2. Selectivity sw: normal or narrow. FM muting sw: out, distant or local. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Signal strength and tuning meters. MPX indicator. Multipath indicator.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable and fixed. Built-in ferrite loopstick. AM ant sw: ext or loop. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 25 lb. Sold from 1972-1979. Last retail price $849.00

MR 75 AM-FM tuner.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 11.2dBF or 2uV. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 39dBF or 50uV. Response 20-15kHz (+0 -1dB). Distortion 0.38% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.8dB. Image rejection 100dB. S/N 70dB. Alt channel selectivity 75dB. Separation 45dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 100dB. SCA rejection 60dB.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 75uV. Response 20-3.5kHz (+0 -6dB). Distortion 0.8%. Adjacent channel selectivity 30dB. S/N 45dB. Image rejection 65dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel with black & gold escutcheon. Selector sw: am or fm. Mode sw: stereo or mono. Mute sw: on or off. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. LED column signal/tuning.

REAR PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable and 1V fixed. FM Preselector sw: in or out. Built-in ferrite loopstick. Ext am antenna. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 23 lb. Sold from 1980-1985. Last retail price $1349.00

MR 77 FM tuner.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 2uV for 35dB of quieting. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB). Distortion 0.2% in stereo. Capture ratio .25 dB detector only, 2.5dB complete tuner. Image rejection: 100dB at 90 MHz, 90 dB at 105 MHz IHF. S/N 75dB. Separation 40dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 100dB. Selectivity: adjacent channel 6 dB IHF, carrier 47 dB down, alternate channel 50 dB IHF, carrier 90 dB down. SCA rejection 50dB 275 dB per octave slope.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Mode selector sw: mono, auto or stereo. Stereo filter sw: out, 1 or 2. Muting sw: out, distant or local. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Signal strength and tuning meters. MPX indicator. Multipath indicator.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable and 1V fixed. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 27 lb. Sold from 1970-1978. Last retail price $699.00

MR 78 FM tuner.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 2uV for 35dB of quieting. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB) stereo. Distortion 0.2% in stereo. Capture ratio 2.5dB. Selectivity: adjacent channel = 7dB normal, 22dB narrow and 55dB super narrow. alternate channel = 55dB normal, >90dB narrow and >>90dB super narrow. Image rejection 100dB. S/N 75dB. Separation stereo 40dB@1kHz. Stereo filter noise reduction 10dB position 1, 20dB position 2. Spurious rejection 100dB. SCA rejection 50dB. Maximum signal input 12V across 300 ohms. Hum -70dB. Audio output 2.5V with front panel control. Audio output fixed 2.5V.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel with black & gold escutcheon. Selectivity sw: normal, narrow or super narrow. Meter sw: signal strength or multipath. Filter sw: out, 1 or 2. Muting sw: out, distant or local. Mode sw: stereo only, mono or stereo auto. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Signal strength and tuning meters.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable and 2.5V fixed. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 27 lb. Sold from 1972-1979. Last retail price $1699.00

MR 80 FM tuner.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 9.3dBF or 1.6uV for 30dB of quieting. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 14.7dBF or 2.5uV for 3% noise and distortion. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB). Distortion 0.2% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5. Image rejection 90dB. S/N 75dB. Alt channel selectivity 90dB (narrow) and 110dB (super narrow). Adjacent channel selectivity 8dB (narrow) and 60dB (super narrow). Separation 50dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 110dB. SCA rejection 60dB.

TOP PANEL: 4 station presets, Preselect sw: in or out, Input sw: cable or antennae, Lock sw: off or on, De-emphasis sw: 75us, 50us, 25us, or out. Signal strength adj.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel with black & gold escutcheon. Selectivity sw: narrow or super narrow. Filter sw: out, auto or in. Mode sw: stereo or mono. Scan ctrl: slow to fast. Muting ctrl: min to max. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Push Buttons: 4 presets, Auto scan up and Auto scan down. Tuning. LED column signal strength. Digital frequency readout. Headphone jack.

BACK PANEL: Audio outputs: 2.5V variable and 1V fixed. Remote control push button jack. Remote control stations sw: preset or all. 300 or two 75 ohm fm cable inputs. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D from front panel.. Weight 28 lb. Sold from 1980-1985. Last retail price $2499.00

MR 500 FM tuner.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 13dBF or 1.25uV across 75 ohms. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 37.3dBF or 20uV across 75 ohms. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB). Distortion 0.25% in stereo. Image rejection 100dB. S/N 75dB. Alt channel selectivity 70dB. Separation 50dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 100dB. SCA rejection 60dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel with black & gold escutcheon. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Push Buttons: 6 presets, Enter, Mute, Manual, Scan up, Scan down. LED column tuning/signal. Digital frequency readout. Headphone jack.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable, 1V fixed. Manual AFL sw: out or normal. Remote scan jack. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable inputs. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 3-5/8"H, 16"W and 14-1/2"D from front panel.. Weight 18 lb. Sold from 1983-1985. Last retail price $1499.00

MR 510 FM tuner.

ELECTRICAL: Sensitivity 13dBF or 1.25uV across 75 ohms. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 37.3dBF or 20uV across 75 ohms. Response 20-15kHz (+1 -1dB). Distortion 0.25% in stereo. Image rejection 100dB. S/N 75dB. Alt channel selectivity 70dB. Separation 50dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 100dB. SCA rejection 60dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel with black & gold escutcheon. Volume with on-off switch. Tuning ctrl. Push Buttons: 6 presets, Mono, Enter, Manual, Scan up, Scan down. LED column tuning/signal. Digital frequency readout. Headphone jack.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 2.5V variable, 1V fixed. Manual AFL sw: out or normal. 15 pin remote control receptacle. 300 or 75 ohm fm cable inputs. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 3-5/8"H, 16"W and 14-1/2"D from front panel.. Weight 18 lb. Sold from 1986-1990. Last retail price $1699.00

MR 7082 AM-FM tuner.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 13dBF or 1.22uV across 75 ohms. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 37dBF or 20uV across 75 ohms. Response 20-15kHz (+0 -1dB). Distortion 0.08% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection 90dB. S/N 75dB stereo. Alt channel selectivity 55dB. Spurious rejection 100dB. AM suppresion 60dB.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 35uV. Response 20-4.5kHz (+0 -6dB). Distortion 0.3%. Adjacent channel selectivity 40dB. S/N 65dB. Image rejection 60dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass panel top. Black anodized bottom. Push Buttons: AM, FM, Search, Manual, Power, Mono, Monoplus, Stereo, 7 presets, Scan up, Scan down, Enter. Tuning ctrl. LED indicators: tuning and signal.

BACK PANEL: Audio out fixed. Built-in ferrite loopstick. Ext am antenna. 15 pin remote control receptacle. 75 ohm fm cable input. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16-1/8"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 15 lb. Sold from 1986-1990. Last retail price $1579.00

MR 7083 & MR 7083(W). AM-FM tuner.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 11.25dBF or 1uV across 75 ohms. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 37dBF or 20uV across 75 ohms. Response 20-15kHz (+0 -1dB). Distortion 0.12% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection 80dB. S/N 75dB stereo. Alt channel selectivity 70dB. Separation 50dB@1kHz. Spurious rejection 100dB.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 20uV. Response 50-6kHz NRSC. Distortion 0.5%. Adjacent channel selectivity 45dB. S/N 60dB. Image rejection 65dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass panel top. Black anodized bottom. Front panel width was 16-1/8" in early units and 17-1/2" in later units. Push Buttons: AM, FM, Spatial, Power, Mono, Stereo, 8 presets, Search, Scan up, Scan down, Enter. Tuning ctrl. LED indicators: tuning and signal. Digital frequency readout.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 1.2V (rear ctrl), 1.2V fixed. Built-in ferrite loopstick. 15 pin remote control receptacle. Ext am antenna. 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs. Panloc mounting.

Size 5-7/16"H, 16-1/8"W and 13"D behind panel. Weight 15-1/2 lb. Sold from 1990-1995. Last retail price $1750.00

MR 7084 AM-FM tuner.

FM SECTION: Sensitivity 15dBF or 1.6uV across 75 ohms. Stereo 50dB quieting sensitivity 39dBF or 25uV across 75 ohms. Response 20-15kHz (+0 -1dB). Distortion 0.12% in stereo. Capture ratio 1.5dB. Image rejection 80dB. S/N 75dB stereo. Alt channel selectivity 70dB. Separation 50dB. Spurious rejection 100dB.

AM SECTION: Sensitivity 20uV. Response 50-6kHz NRSC. Distortion 0.5%. Adjacent channel selectivity 45dB. S/N 60dB. Image rejection 78dB.

FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Push Buttons: 0 to 9 keypad for 50 presets, Tune up, Tune down, AM, FM, Spatial. Enter, Review, and Power. LED signal strength bar. Digital frequency and preset readout.

BACK PANEL: Audio out 1.2V (rear ctrl), 1.2V fixed. Built-in ferrite loopstick. Preset clear button. Data in/out jacks for remote . Ext am antenna. 75 ohm fm cable input. Scope outputs.

Size 3-5/8"H, 17-1/2"W and 17-1/2"D behind panel. Weight 15 lb. Sold from 1995-. Last retail price $1500.00

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Created by Roger Russell

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